WealthGenius Podcast

From Single Townhouse to 60+ Doors: Shyam Ramrekha's Remarkable Investment Journey

August 04, 2023 Alfonso Cuadra Season 1 Episode 3

In this 3rd episode of The WealthGenius Podcast, Alfonso Cuadra interviews Shyam Ramrekha, a real estate entrepreneur who has successfully built a significant real estate portfolio from a single townhouse to owning 61 doors across five holding companies. Shyam and his wife, originally from Mauritius, came to Canada as professional immigrants seeking growth and opportunities and he shares his journey,  from buying an investment property to provide for their son's education, to learning about real estate investing, and meeting Alfonso Cuadra. Inspired by Alfonso's approach to turn single properties into a real estate business, Shyam started investing actively. He focused on expanding his portfolio and acquiring larger properties, using creative strategies and forming joint ventures.

Inspired by Shyam's story? You can connect with Shyam on the following pages:

LinkedIn: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/sramrekha

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/shyam.ramrekha.90

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Shyam Ramrekha, Carl Richards, Alfonso Cuadra

Carl Richards  00:05

Welcome to The WealthGenius Podcast, The WealthGenius Podcast: strategies for multifamily Real estate investing, mindset, community success. The WealthGenius Podcast with your host, The Godfather of Real Estate, Alfonso Cuadra, who has extensive experience in business and massive success as a real estate investor. The WealthGenius Podcast. Let's dive in to today's episode.

Alfonso Cuadra  00:32

Shyam. How're you doing, my friend?

Shyam Ramrekha  00:34

Very well. Thanks. Thanks, brother.

Alfonso Cuadra  00:36

Good to have you here. This was really important for me because we met years ago. Yeah. And we were having a conversation yesterday. And I'm, I'm just so inspired by everything you've done, right? So, I think it definitely deserves a conversation. But I know that our audience is going to get so much from it. So, thank you for coming by our WealthGenius Headquarters. We're in the penthouse here in our offices. And, you know, our studio here that we have, and you're here. So thank you.

Shyam Ramrekha  01:10

Thanks, Alfonso. I mean, I thank you for having me. And for where I am today. Thank you for that, too.

Alfonso Cuadra  01:18

And so I want to give people like an idea of what you're doing. I mean, you're an entrepreneur, you're a real estate entrepreneur, you got a few other things on the go as well. But ultimately, you've built a really significant real estate portfolio 61 doors. And so like, you know, give us a little taste of where you're at today.

Shyam Ramrekha  01:39

Thanks, Alfonso. So, yes, so currently, we have 61 doors, we've started, I've been actively investing since the last two years. So in peak COVID. And we have five real estate holding companies right now. So now we are looking forward to be the first and things like this. But at the same time, this real estate portfolio that we built over the past two years, I mean, have allowed me to pivot into my professional freedom, what we call, so I was, you know, full time employed and, and so does my wife, so me and my-

Alfonso Cuadra  02:14

What type of career? 

Shyam Ramrekha  02:15

So I'm a project manager. So I hold my project management certification, and I have my MBA, I did my MBA in business, from Queens University, and I was always working the project management field. So as I built this portfolio of real estate, I was trying to see if I can start going more full time into that, but then I need time. So last year, you know, I got a situation came in, and then I left, I pivoted to have my own project management consulting firm. So I work on contracts for clients, and but this, I could do this, thanks to real estate, and because I want to do real estate, so that part is becoming less and less significant. And then real estate is becoming more and more important right now. So the focus is more on real estate right now.

Alfonso Cuadra  03:06

I love that. I know that. People that are watching this, some people are trying to get started, they don't know where to get started, how to get started. How did you get started?

Shyam Ramrekha  03:14

Okay, so I tell you the life story. *laughs*.

Alfonso Cuadra  03:18

Let's start from when I was two years old. 

Shyam Ramrekha  03:20

Yes yes yes yes. So okay, so me and my wife, we are originally from a small country, it's called Mauritius. It's a small island in the Indian Ocean, on the east coast of Madagascar. So if you just Google the dodo bird, the land of the dodo, this is where me and my wife are originally from. And we came to Canada in 2009, as professional immigrants or, you know, professional workers. So we came here to, you know, to contribute to the society as professionals, so, and my wife, she's an accountant and I'm a project manager. So, we started, we came in 2009 as an immigrant, you choose the first job, survivor job, then we both studied very hard. Over three, four years, five year we studied very, very hard to get out of the survival job. But at the same time in 2012, when our son, whom you met yesterday, was born- 

Alfonso Cuadra  04:20

Very well mannered boy.

Shyam Ramrekha  04:21

Oh thank you.

Alfonso Cuadra  04:22

Yeah, very good looking young man.

Shyam Ramrekha  04:24

Thank you. So he was born. And we are still trying to figure out what to do and how to navigate the North American, you know, society. It's very different. All we know is like, learn, learn, learn, get a better job, buy a house, buy a car, and start saving for your retirement as if- 

Alfonso Cuadra  04:44

You're alread dead before you even started.

Shyam Ramrekha  04:48

But again it's like, you know, when you come at a very young age so we still had lots, lots to catch. So as we started to learn about the RRSP and RESP, and how education is expensive, you know, all this? So this one day me and my wife, we thought, and it was 2015, so it was three years now our son is three years old. And we've got a better job. But we still cannot contribute to what, where we want to go. So, you know, we start with our financial planner, and said, "Hey, how much do we have to contribute in RRSP and RESP, to make us. And then he said, this, this, this, and you start at contributing, and paying and paying our mortgages and everything, you have to be mortgage free. But then, coming 2015, we said, "we will never be able to make it." Because you know how much time you're left. Or else you have to continue working the rest of your life to make it there. 

And so then, in 2015, I met my realtor. Unfortunately, he passed away. But at that time, he's a retired realtor. So, he had nothing to gain nothing to lose, he wanted just to help us. It was a common friend's father. And he taught me he told me, he said, "Shyam", and then he came for a cup of tea, and then he said "Shyam, I think you should invest in your real- buy a property." And this is how what will happen because we were telling him about, we cannot save, even though we had a good quality job, and you know, high paying job, but we couldn't save. So he said, buy your property, and then you sell it, or you refinance it, I say, what's that, and then in 2015, we bought our first townhouse across our street. We said this is going to pay for the education because at the time, you know, we will pay the mortgage or-

Alfonso Cuadra  06:31

So your idea at the time was, you know, buy a townhome. 

Shyam Ramrekha  06:34


Alfonso Cuadra  06:35

And then the tenant is going to pay off. And then that will be our retirement.

Shyam Ramrekha  06:40

Yeah. Or we sell everything and then we, we invest in education, the university or- for our son. And if some extra money, then we can save to our retirement. But because the RRSP and RESP was not going to be enough. That was the plan in 2015. Then I said no, no, no. So I have to learn. So I went and did my MBA, I invested $100,000 In my MBA. It was a good decision. I would never say that. But now I see when I look back at what I could have done with that $100,000. And we talk about that. But then it's like, I got the high paying job. Could recoup my money in my investment for the MBA. My wife's- did hers, accountings professional. So everything worked out. But what you get net? It's not worth it. I mean, it's not much, and it's not enough to continue. So this is when in 2019. And I met you. And that was the turning point. It was November 2019. I remember I met you and then you know, we had a quick conversation and then from the chit and chat with-

Alfonso Cuadra  07:49

What was the switch in your mind? Like, what was the one thing that you're like, "oh!" Or was it a few things that-

Shyam Ramrekha  07:56

So, so there were a lot of things but because see, media people, everybody says no, don't invest in real estate. I don't know if you remember 2019/18 real estate, especially in Ottawa, what what is it 2%, 0% appreciation, and nothing. And, so everybody was saying anything and uh, wether it was like something true or not. But when I met you and explain how, you know, and other people share the experiences, how they took one property and made it a business. And now that business, that is what I love. Yes. And that was, it resonated. Day in and day out. I was absorbed of how I can bring that one rental to a business. And I was on the go. So from then, we followed all the processes. We followed all the trainings, we followed all the advice from people who knew, yeah, who are experts in the domain, and nothing else. So we just focus, focus.

Alfonso Cuadra  09:01

A lot of people look at real estate, like a side thing. 

Shyam Ramrekha  09:04


Alfonso Cuadra  09:04

Right? And, like the first mistake. I mean, it may start as a side gig, a side hustle. But ultimately, like if you really want to be successful within real estate, it has- you have to make it into a business. You got to create infrastructure. You got to hire people. I mean, we're sitting here in my office, right? People work here, they come here. It's hard to build a big business from your basement. It's possible. But how many big companies do you know that uh, don't have an office?  

Shyam Ramrekha  09:36


Alfonso Cuadra  09:37

Right. And so that's the evolution of creating a business, right? There's people and there's functions, you create a team. That's what a company is a company is a group of people. And so, I love that. Were you an entrepreneur?

Shyam Ramrekha  09:50

So my parents back home, we were farmers. So we had cattles. We had a farm I mean small, very small size but we used to go and plant vegetables, harvest the vegetables, bring it home, clean it and go in and sell it back in the market. So, you know, and then it's just an attitude. It's more an attitude and a mindset. So it was there somewhere. But when I started to get deep into this real estate, and then you showed how you can make this one tiny townhouse, become a multimillion dollar business. I said, Yeah, it's doable! People have done it. 

Alfonso Cuadra  10:25


Shyam Ramrekha  10:26

You have done it, you have started and done it. So many other people are doing it. So I should do it too!

Alfonso Cuadra  10:31

Nice. Nice.

Shyam Ramrekha  10:31

So I just trust blindly but objectively, and I, me and my wife, we gave ourselves 100%, 100%. And, again, we didn't invest in big, big thing. We had our laptops, we had our screen, but we needed a dedicated space. So we have a basement office just for that. And we gave our time beautiful and just put the systems and processes now I'm not saying everything's working by itself, but you know, we have little maintenance and-

Alfonso Cuadra  10:59

What was your first deal?

Shyam Ramrekha  11:01

After I met you? Two weeks later, I bought a triplex. So this is where we started incorporating our holdings. And uh, so we went one by one. So we bought a Six Plex under that. Then afterwards-

Alfonso Cuadra  11:15

So the first bigger property was a six Plex?

Shyam Ramrekha  11:17

Six Plex. Yeah. 

Alfonso Cuadra  11:18

And so I want to go back to that because I can only imagine, right so, you got one unit and you make a jump to-

Shyam Ramrekha  11:26


Alfonso Cuadra  11:27

A triplex. Triplex, now, you go and make a jump to a six plex, which, for me, eh, you know, my philosophy is all about expansion. And you are in alignment with that because you know what? You expanded. Every time you- you're expanding; you went from the town to the triplex to the six. 

Shyam Ramrekha  11:46


Alfonso Cuadra  11:47

Before you closed, you're about to close a six unit apartment building.

Shyam Ramrekha  11:52


Alfonso Cuadra  11:52

To me, that's fascinating. It's like, you know, my first significant deal was seven units.

Shyam Ramrekha  11:57

Ok, oh.

Alfonso Cuadra  11:58

And so I remember thinking like, "Oh, my God, seven people are gonna give me rent.

Shyam Ramrekha  12:04


Alfonso Cuadra  12:04

That's incredible! 

Shyam Ramrekha  12:05


Alfonso Cuadra  12:05

Right? And I was scared. I was so so so scared. So like, what was the feeling?

Shyam Ramrekha  12:12

Mixed. Because when we bought the townhouse, and I met you, and then during that session, you said, "No one units, no two units. It's very bad." I said "Jeez, I'm making money out of-" 

Alfonso Cuadra  12:24

Yeah, yeah.

Shyam Ramrekha  12:25

But when you explain about this, the Economies of Scale and about the, you know, how we call that the exits or like losses. But for me, it's like, it's more like, "Oh, now I can see. I have one there. One thing that is very easy to manage, and then I have six." But I followed exactly what you said. Because when we closed the sixth one, we closed it on the fifth.

Alfonso Cuadra  12:47

If you guys want to know why that is you got to come to my bootcamp.

Shyam Ramrekha  12:51

It's true! We closed on the fifth, yeah. So I went with the seller we went the seller we say "okay, let's go and have dinner." And then say, "Hey, do you mind introducing me?" Have like a warm introduction and things like this, because my first time, I don't know so. And then he said, "Yeah yeah, and then we went on the day and I brought some small cookies and things like this and distributed to all the tenants, and introduced myself, as a property manager. And then that immediately subsided all the, how we call that? You know, all the fears, all these "Oh, now I have six tenants." But I had one, and then I had three. So it's became four. Now I have six. I was excited I said "Jeez now I have ten tenants!"  I'm excited. As soon as I closed that, I closed a seven unit here in Beachwood. 

Alfonso Cuadra  13:35

I love that. 

Shyam Ramrekha  13:36

And that was my first, I would say, most significant acquisition I'd say. I mean, I've never done like a $2 million property. 

Alfonso Cuadra  13:42


Shyam Ramrekha  13:44

My wife saying "Are you sure? Where are we going to get money?" I say, "I don't know. Just-" yeah, I don't know. But just do it and then we'll see what happens. We have to figure it out. Because if we don't jump, we won't. Yeah. So let's jump and we will see. So we jumped into that. And sure enough for that was my first property that I bought like with a partner. Now this was a 2 million, it's a seven unit. Now the biggest, now after that, I close it month after month. Now after that seven Plex you know, we don't chase on MLS or Realtor.ca we start working with people bringing off market and then now I'm having a portfolio of five buildings: 2.6 million. 

Alfonso Cuadra  14:30


Shyam Ramrekha  14:31

And 26 doors. I've worked the numbers and it's beautiful. It's beautiful. I said, "But why wouldn't we buy it?" I told my wife "We are going to put an offer on this." She said "no but we are not- we still haven't finished the other one." I said "No, no, don't worry that one is already closed. Let's get this one now. So now having incorporated at first what we bought the six plex, first incorporation after two months I incorporate the second incorporation for the joint venture. Third month, so within four months I incorporated three corporations. And people ask me "why, why, why?" I think they have to come to your bootcamp to know why we do all these things. Why we have so many corporations. So we have this corporations now with the 26, the five buildings within this. And we acquired it 100%, fully funded by ourself. I didn't have zero money. 

Alfonso Cuadra  15:21

Wow, wow, wow!

Shyam Ramrekha  15:22

I didn't put, money. And my wife said, "Where are we going to get money?" I said, "I don't know I don't-" because we didn't have, you know, we didn't have money to put in. But we found creative ways. 

Alfonso Cuadra  15:33


Shyam Ramrekha  15:34

And you know took some of your advice we followed exactly what had to be done. And we did it. We closed it. And we kept 100% equity for this entire portfolio. 

Alfonso Cuadra  15:45

What are the conversations like at home now? Like, you know, obviously, you're a different person, you're not the same person you were back in when you came to Canada, 2014?

Shyam Ramrekha  15:58

In 9.

Alfonso Cuadra  15:59

In 2009 And so what are the conversations that you're having? Your family? What are you saying? What are you doing? How are people feeling? 

Shyam Ramrekha  16:06

Ok so, two things around that one that come to mind, another acquisition, I'll tell you, but here in Canada, is just me and my wife, but back home, the parents are there. So it's difficult to explain what we are doing.

Alfonso Cuadra  16:17

It's extremely hard to explain.

Shyam Ramrekha  16:19

Because like you said, I mean, when I speak to my mom, and I said, "Okay, you know, we might buy a building." They say, "Oh, more debt? No, no, no, no." So we don't, you know, we don't share exactly what we do and how we do it. But we just say, you know, but at home within the nucleus with me, my wife and our son, we have this conversation, "Okay what next?"

Alfonso Cuadra  16:40

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Shyam Ramrekha  16:41

What next? What do we do? What can we improve? And that's where we'd like to go. That's how also led us after we closed to the 26 units. After three or four months, I got this now eight unit building, two towers side by side, like eight unit eight unit, 16 units.

Alfonso Cuadra  16:58


Shyam Ramrekha  16:59

So I said, "Geez, I want to buy that. The numbers are making sense. But how do I do that? I don't know." I incorporated another one. And I bought the first one. And I told the seller, I love your building. I really love this deal, the numbers are working. I just need some time. Because it's one lot. And I knew, it's his baby. And he wants to sell it the whole baby. He doesn't want to split the baby. But so I know that where he's coming from, I said, "just give me some time. I'll buy one. We'll make it happen. And I'll buy the second one."

Alfonso Cuadra  17:33


Shyam Ramrekha  17:33

And then after the first one again, we went for dinner with the family. We eat we and then- we kept our conversations. I got time to, you know, to restructure a few things. And sure enough, we bought the other one. So, so this is now we are we started with one. And now we are buying like 16 units or eight units, you know? And the conversation at home. Sure enough, sometimes we have to pause on talking about real estate, because we talk so much about real estate. But from time to time after dinner, you know, this is this is where the planning, like what do we do? What do we do tomorrow? What do we do in five years? And now it's like, oh, we are thinking about our son's education. We sold our RRSP to buy a property and now our son owns a house at 10 years old and whatever he wants to do.

Alfonso Cuadra  18:28

I love that.

Shyam Ramrekha  18:28

He, he can do whatever we want and we have a tenant it's a brand new tenant is paying day in and day out and so paying for that and he's you know at ten now in eight years he'll have a house.

Alfonso Cuadra  18:40

Does he realize like kind of what's going on here?

Shyam Ramrekha  18:43

So for those who have kids and wants to get their kids- so get a laundry mat in the apartment building and get them to go to collect the coins.

Alfonso Cuadra  18:52

Oh I love that, I love that!

Shyam Ramrekha  18:53

This is his job. I mean he, I mean of course when you know we have lots of things but when I go I take him purposely with me to go take the keys unlock, get a ziploc, ting, ting, ting, ting, ting, ting all the coins go and then come home count everything goes, he goes to the bank, he does everything I don't- I step back, and then he just puts in-

Alfonso Cuadra  19:12

I love that!

Shyam Ramrekha  19:14

And then even like, you know, with tech, kids are high tech today. So, they love technology, so put them at good use. So I have my spreadsheet, I show him and just goes and whenever rents, tenants are paying, because they are- he puts it and this is- 

Alfonso Cuadra  19:30

Beautiful lessons, beautiful lessons.. I want to go back, a little bit back to Mauritius. Right? So, what was the move to come to Canada? Like you're sitting there, you know, you're professional. So I'm assuming that you had a good life there.

Shyam Ramrekha  19:46


Alfonso Cuadra  19:46

And then like there's this Canada, you know, this opportunity to come to Canada or this possibility to come to Canada. What was that move like? What, what- Why did you choose that?

Shyam Ramrekha  19:56

Yeah so, we wanted to grow. We wanted to grow professionally. But at the same time to contribute. And I'll tell you, when we go back every two to three years, we go back, we give back. To human- women shelters and kids and girls shelters. We do a lot there. This has helped us to do things beyond what we even thought.

Alfonso Cuadra  20:15


Shyam Ramrekha  20:16

So, you know and uh-

Alfonso Cuadra  20:18

I love that. Someone brought this to my attention a couple of weeks ago, and I thought, like, "Whoa." It kind of like made me reflect a little bit. But we always talk about giving back right? And the importance of giving back. And he was talking about how his mentor told them that you're not giving back, you're giving. Because you never took anything.  

Shyam Ramrekha  20:40


Alfonso Cuadra  20:40

Right? And uh, it's true. You know, like, we're just giving, we're giving, we're making sure that other people have opportunities. But we never took anything that that didn't belong to us. Right? And that's really interesting. So what's the plan now? My man, so where are we going now?

Shyam Ramrekha  20:59

I go back to 2019? When- I can share the quote, yeah? 

Alfonso Cuadra  21:04


Shyam Ramrekha  21:05

Brother, come and fly with the Eagles.

Alfonso Cuadra  21:07

Yes, sir. 

Shyam Ramrekha  21:08

Don't fly with the pigeons.

Alfonso Cuadra  21:09

Yes, yes.

Shyam Ramrekha  21:10

So the plan is, you know, we started with one, we went to eight. And I want to go like, like, 30, 40 and now it's like, we, we're looking for more like big apartment buildings. And again, like, you met Jane yesterday? And then "how are you going to do that?" I said "I don't know."

Alfonso Cuadra  21:32

But, you know, what, if you if you got to 61? Why not 600? 

Shyam Ramrekha  21:36


Alfonso Cuadra  21:37

Why not 6000?

Shyam Ramrekha  21:38


Alfonso Cuadra  21:39

Right. As long as you feel fulfilled, you're going to be happy. So, look, a lot of people are trying to get into real estate, maybe someone is already dabbling a little bit. I know that a lot of the people that follow me, are definitely interested in real estate, and maybe they've made a few moves. Right? So what are the tips that you can offer? Someone just getting started? Someone that was in your shoes, you know, back in 2019? Or whatever? And what should they do? What are the things that they should do? Three things.

Shyam Ramrekha  22:09

Three things. First, you know, get yourself a good mentor, or a coach or people who have done it, you know, see what they have done. That's the first thing and you know, and I'm going to be very honest, there are so many I've done so many, so many courses. People can say come to here come to there come to this. Just a word of cautious here, make sure you do your homework before you choose someone. 

Alfonso Cuadra  22:40

That's excellent. Love that.

Shyam Ramrekha  22:41

That's the first one. That's the first one because I've heard many times. Alfonso it's like, "Oh, I went there. I went there did this. I did this and did this. And nothing came up. Yeah, I had this, this, I did this and did this and nothing came out." So first, make sure you know, do your homework. Make sure you choose- because you're going to you know, to invest your time or whatever, but invest it in the right way in the right people.

Alfonso Cuadra  23:05


Shyam Ramrekha  23:06

Now, the second most important once you've chosen that, inside that network, is to do!

Alfonso Cuadra  23:14

Start taking action. Yeah

Shyam Ramrekha  23:15

Yeah. Just to do. I went back, I took some time, and I saw a month after month what I did, and I look at it I said "Jeez. I was busy." But this is how things happen.

Alfonso Cuadra  23:25

Yeah, yeah.

Shyam Ramrekha  23:25

So once you surround yourself, look at you know, your financials and all this and but then do it, just do it. Or, If you can't do it by yourself, find somebody whom you can team up.

Alfonso Cuadra  23:37


Shyam Ramrekha  23:38

And do it. You know, it's just like the small step, the first step, you need just handling. And then, and this is where I am right now, for the 600 units. I don't know. And I'm scared. But I have full trust. Because I will be given that, you know, hand hand in for the first. And I have full trust. So I am at the same position as if I haven't bought any property yet. 

Alfonso Cuadra  24:04

Yes. Yes. 

Shyam Ramrekha  24:05

Because it's a different scale. 

Alfonso Cuadra  24:06


Shyam Ramrekha  24:06

So that's the second tip. So do it with somebody, just do it or do it with somebody whom you feel comfortable with who has done it. Just just do it. Just do the first one. Everything comes out. I love it. And you said third. Third, yeah enjoy the process!

Alfonso Cuadra  24:24

Have fun, have fun, I love it. 

Shyam Ramrekha  24:27

There will be hundreds of moments where we'll feel that the worl- the world is falling apart and I quit now. But the smallest victory should be celebrated. The smallest victory should be celebrated whatever it is, offer get accepted. Yes. Because we know what we have. And- coming back to choosing the group you know, even though you might have the best people the most qualified the most. You know, people that can do anything for you. But if you don't do anything, nothing will happen.

Alfonso Cuadra  24:59

Yes. People ask me this all the time, Alfonso like, "how do I know that your program works?" And I say, "Listen, I know it works. If you do."

Shyam Ramrekha  25:09

Yeah, exactly. Yes, exactly. Is anybody will do it for anybody.

Alfonso Cuadra  25:14

Yeah. Shyam. So inspiring. So, so inspiring. I always want to end the program with a inspiring quote, a phrase, a proverb, maybe that you heard. What's the most inspiring quote that you've heard?

Shyam Ramrekha  25:31

Surround yourself with, like minded people.

Alfonso Cuadra  25:35

I love it.

Shyam Ramrekha  25:35

You know, just surround yourself and believe in those people, you know? surround yourself and believe in those people because, you know, I will look it on the other way. I tell my friends who are sitting in houses, which are paid off instead, what are you doing?

Alfonso Cuadra  25:51


Shyam Ramrekha  25:52

But, but it's okay. I mean, it's okay. Everybody's has their decisions, you know, everybody has their own- but just surround yourself, you want to be successful, you know, choose carefully. Time is the most important and most costly asset we may have. So, which, you know, like you said it's like, "we'll never gain, if we lose it." It's like so, you know, like, just be careful. with other people. Yeah. And just surround yourself with like minded people. That's the most important one.

Alfonso Cuadra  26:21

Listen, I'm sure you've inspired a lot of people with your story. Keep sharing. 

Shyam Ramrekha  26:25

Yeah, thanks yeah, yeah yeah.

Alfonso Cuadra  26:26

Keep sharing. Keep moving forward. Thank you for coming, and inspiring us here today. I love it, my friend. 

Shyam Ramrekha  26:33

Thank you so much. 

Alfonso Cuadra  26:33

And for everyone else. Alfonso loves you. And we'll see you all at the top.

Shyam Ramrekha  26:37

And all the best to you guys. Yeah, thank you!

Carl Richards  26:40

Thanks for listening to The WealthGenius Podcast. If you have a question or comment about something you heard today, reach out to The Godfather via social media or email him anytime all that information is in the show notes. And of course don't forget to subscribe so you never miss an episode of The WealthGenius Podcast. The WealthGenius Podcast. Until next time, see you at the top.